Financial institutions exempt from the obligation to report information

There are financial institutions required to communicate information?

As established in article 4 of Law 19/2016, are considered financial institutions Andorran not obliged to notify the information is financial institutions defined in section B of Section VIII of Annex I of the Act of automatic exchange information on tax resident in Andorra, and in particular, the following institutions:

  1. The Principality of Andorra and the public administration:
    • Government bodies and placed under his direction.
    • the common quarters and organs dependent.
    • para-municipal agencies or entities.
  2. The Andorran National Institute of Finance (INAF).
  3. The Andorran Social Security (CASS).
  4. The State Agency for Solving Banking Entities (AREB).
  5. The pension reserve fund.

The Government, at the proposal of the Finance Minister may designate other entities as financial institutions required to communicate information to the extent that these entities present a low risk of being used in order to evade taxes and that have characteristics substantially similar to any of the entities described in paragraph B.1, letter b of section VIII of Annex I of the Act IAI convention or agreement or applicable international.
