
You are an entrepreneur (web professions, representative activities, services for third parties or others...), and you want to come and live in Andorra, alone or with your family, to enjoy all the social and economic benefits that the Principality offers.


You have retired from your professional activity, you want to enjoy a new life in Andorra without carrying out a work activity and you want to obtain the maximum return on your capital with a lower tax burden.

Professional atletes

You are an elite athlete and you want to enjoy a safe and calm country where you can preserve your privacy and, at the same time, enjoy favorable taxation and ideal living conditions for your professional development, with high performance centers , first-class sports equipment and an environment that offers acclimatization with an average altitude of more than 1,000 meters.
elite athletes

Liberal Professionals

You are self-employed as a liberal professional (lawyer, architect, doctor, engineer, economist...) and you want to live and work in Andorra to enjoy all the advantages that the country offers at a professional, social and fiscal level.
liberal professionals

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step".

Lao Tse

one stop business solution andorra

We help you define the course of your new life in Andorra

Doubts, uncertainties, confusion, worries... Starting a new life often involves leaving our comfort zone and facing different challenges. Finding housing, starting the residency procedures, creating a company, transferring capital... As a newcomer, there are many paths that must be taken to start a new life project.

At IS21 we are aware of the complexity of this route and, for this reason, we help investors, entrepreneurs, elite sportsmen and retirees to migrate their residence, businesses and capital to Andorra without unnecessary travel thanks to the use of ICT and a One Stop Business Solution team that will transform the current situation into an enviable new lifestyle.

We will be your compass, we will mark the road map and help you define the course of your new life in Andorra.

contact us

We offer tailor-made solutions for

investment andorraInvestment in Andorra

We advise you so that you can obtain the maximum return on your capital and enjoy all the benefits offered by the Andorran tax model.

setup companies andorraCreation of companies

We accompany you from the embryonic idea of your business project to its creation, providing you with all the information.

andorra paperworkManagement

We offer you a comprehensive management service, including all the administrative, fiscal and accounting management of the company.

andorra tax residenceFiscal residence

We specialize in the processing of passive and active residences in the Principality, as well as in the approval of all types of permits.

Free yourself from:

  •   Unnecessary travel
  •   Procedures and endless queues
  •   Cumbersome bureaucracy
  •   Endless calls
  •   Wasted time

IS21 Integral ServeisA comprehensive solution: agile, comfortable and 100% personalized

Whether you are evaluating the option of coming to live in Andorra or have already fully decided, at IS21 we will accompany you from start to finish, advising you throughout the process and carrying out the vast majority of procedures for you (accommodation, family relocation, opening bank accounts, importing vehicles, data protection, approval of permits...). And all with a single objective: that you enjoy incomparable living conditions, with all the social and fiscal advantages that the Principality offers.

IS21 Integral ServeisOur successes support us

More than 50 passive residences processed in the last 5 years.

More than 200 companies incorporated since 2011.

Over 300 satisfied customers since 2008.

More than 30 elite athletes and liberal professionals in the portfolio.

More than 10 years of experience

If you still have doubts

Virtues of Andorra

With an unemployment rate that does not even represent 1% of the total number of workers (380 people registered with the employment service in August 2022), Andorra has an employment rate of more than 99%, a figure that translates into more than 44,000 people working, either as employees or self-employed.

A figure that undoubtedly demonstrates the good health and solidity of the Principality's economy, with a GDP per capita of €35,380 in 2021, a figure that consolidates Andorra among the 30 countries with the best GDP per capita in the world , ahead of Spain and very close to French GDP.

In addition to a solid economy, Andorra also has a very advantageous tax system as well as one of the lowest tax rates on the continent, aspects that make the Andorra a great attraction for investors and companies around the world.

Historically, Andorra has been considered, on its own merits, as a country of reference for lovers of nature and outdoor sports. In fact, 90% of the country's territory is nature and 10% has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Andorran landscapes are full of hiking itineraries, which go through the country's three great Natural Parks: the Sorteny Valley, Madriu-Perafita-Claror and the Comapedrosa Valleys.

Another of the great attractions offered by the Andorran environment is its incredible network of lakes, with more than 70 spread over an area of less than 470 km², highlighting the Tristaina lakes, the Engolasters lake or the Juclà lake, the largest in the country.

And if we talk about the natural environment and mountain routes, we can't forget the GRP d'Andorra, a great circular route that allows you to travel the whole country in just 7 stages; the Estripagecs route, a real challenge for those hikers who want to climb the highest peaks in Andorra; and the Coronallacs, a circular route of 92 km that connects the 4 protected refuges that exist in the Principality in just 5 stages.

A series of natural claims that add to Andorra's great tourist attraction and one of the country's main economic engines: the ski resorts. An offer that has only improved in recent years, to the point of creating the unique Grandvalira pass, which includes all the ski resorts in the country with 303 km of pistes, making Andorra one of the ski domains most important in Europe.

One of the great singularities that Andorra presents as a country is its education system. Considered by many to be one of the best training programs in the world, Andorra has 3 public systems that coexist in parallel and allow you to enjoy a varied and flexible educational plan, with great freedom of selection depending on the preferences of each family

Therefore, if we talk about the Andorran educational system, we have to do so in the plural because there are 3 different systems: French, Spanish, Brittish and Andorran.

To these 3 systems must be added, in addition, other educational systems such as the private center British College of Andorra; the subsidiary of VATEL, the prestigious international hotel and tourism school (considered the best school in the world in the sector); the Andorra Aviation Academy, as well as the Professional Training Center of Aixovall.

According to data published by different institutions such as the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) or the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Andorra is considered one of the safest countries of the world, with a practically non-existent crime rate, which positions the Principality as an ideal country both to establish residence and to start a business.

In this sense, according to the latest reports drawn up by the companies Internacional SOS and Ipsos Mori, the crime rate of Andorra is at the same level as the rate of leading countries such as Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark , Switzerland, Luxembourg and Slovenia.

According to the report of the United States Census Bureau, Andorra is the country with the highest life expectancy in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO), for its part, places the Principality in third position. Be that as it may and despite the nuances, what is indisputable is that Andorra can boast of one of the best quality of life on the planet, with a life expectancy that reaches up to 87 years for women (for men the figure is slightly lower).

Although there is no concrete scientific answer, Andorra has different factors that contribute to prolonging the lives of its inhabitants: a benign climate, a mountainous and quiet environment with clean air, quality food, a first-rate healthcare system level and a healthy lifestyle. A tranquility that is complemented by high levels of personal security and one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

With an average of more than 300 days of sunshine per year, Andorra has a pleasant climate, despite being of the Mediterranean mountain type, with hot summers and cold winters with significant snowfall at high altitudes. Temperatures vary significantly between parishes at lower elevations and those located at higher elevations (differences that can range between 4-8ºC), with an average minimum temperature of -2°C and a maximum of 24°C.

As for the precipitation, it can be in the form of snow at the highest altitudes and the rains range between 700 and 1,100 millimeters per year, concentrated mainly between the months of October and May. To this pleasant climate throughout the year must also be added high quality outdoor air thanks to the filtering provided by Andorra's natural environment.

Apart from skiing and the great offer in snow sports, Andorra can boast a complete program of leisure and cultural activities throughout the year, with events as important as the unique shows in Europe of Cirque du Soleil, the Andorra Mountain Music Winter or world-renowned sporting events such as the Freeride World Tour or the Alpine Skiing World Cup.

In the museum field, Andorra also has facilities of great interest, highlighting the Tobacco Museum, La Farga Rossell, the Carmen Thyssen Andorra Museum, the Perfume Museum or the Casa Cristo Ethnographic Museum, among others

FEDA is the public importer, generator, distributor and marketer of electric power in Andorra. Able to offer prices, at the service of citizens, far below those of the rest of the European Union.

Completely consolidated as the country's energy engine, the objective of the EDFA is nothing more than to meet all the principality's energy needs, providing sustainable, modern and efficient solutions while taking advantage of own resources and encouraging the involvement of the various socio-economic actors.

With regard to sustainability, the EDFA promotes, through the subsidiaries FEDA Ecoterm and FEDA Solutions, heat grid projects, energy generation and sustainable mobility. These actions demonstrate the company's desire to promote sustainable development objectives and promote the economic, social and environmental balance of the territory.

All united make us stronger

Why with us? Human team and technology at your service

Experience as a guarantee

Our CEO, Jordi Marticella, has more than 10 years of experience at the head of Integral Serveis 21, leading projects with Andorran and foreign clients.

iCloud service

At IS21 we know that data and its confidentiality are everything. For this reason, we have a private infrastructure in the cloud to guarantee maximum privacy and protection of all our customers' data.


As a one-stop business solution, we want to offer you a comprehensive service, from start to finish. For this reason, we have a partnership relationship with OCPS, an Andorran company specialized in audit services and accounting and tax consultancy.


Premier Stone:

Settling in as a new resident in Andorra involves looking for accommodation, either to buy or to rent. At IS21 we will help you throughout this process thanks to the service we offer from our Premier Stone real estate company.


Singbook Technology

We make available to all our customers the latest digital signature technology to make the management of procedures as easy as possible, saving time, queues and unnecessary travel.

Data protection service

We provide you with all the solutions you need to adapt your company to the new Privacy and Personal Data Protection law in force in Andorra and the European Community.

NewsOur latest news

Andorra: The Safest Country in the World

Andorra: The Safest Country in the World

Andorra’s robust economic health: a statistical reality

Andorra’s robust economic health: a statistical reality

Next destination: Andorra

Next destination: Andorra
