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How to be a society in Andorra

Since the approval of Law 10/2012 of a Foreign Investment, which entered into force on 19 July 2012-, Andorra permite la Constitución Sociedad capital with 100% foreign country.

Socio-economic prerequisites for the incorporation of companies

Objective of the Government of Andorra is that ATRA Compañías ofrezcan a mayor diversification of Products and Services in Andorra and, consequently, that add value Añadido. Por ello, the Ministry of Economy assesses each request Constitutions society recibida, teniendo into account aspects such as the Activity on to discharge the model occupational and program, the plan Expansion Model Corporate Responsibility or the links económicas y los socios Strategic between otros.

Objective to preserve them intereses Strategic country, the Government rejects the authorization Two supuestos: cuando la inversión come from a country cooperating Money Laundering and financing of terrorism (Korea del Norte, Algeria, Ecuador, Indonesia and Myanmar) and cuando la sociedad desee that constitute the book affecting competition, mercado de trabajo or the balance of the financial resources públicos.

Steps to establish a society in Andorra

To establish a society in Andorra is because following the next protocol:

  1. Shaping the reservation of company names in gobierno. The approval period: suele dilate up to a maximum of 7 days. The total Cost trámite this is € 5.36.
  2. Request to the Government authorizing a foreign inversión. Es necesario para tanto FOR PRESENTATION Foreign Investment Participation with a more than 10% of the share capital as for investments in inmuebles FOR PRESENTATION. The resolution of approval or refusals as it will make maximum in a month, with an extension of 15 days. If passed this period should not be recibido respuesta por parte del gobierno, it will give you fear Accepted authorizing.
  3. Once Agreed authorizing a foreign Investment, the investor owes, first Open a bank account and, BELOW, perform the writing of the Constitution of the public society the ante notario (available for 15 days hacerlo). The Cost of this registry functions vary type of society: 957.77 € SL if a trafficking and trafficking 1394.76 € if this one SA, which Habra sumarle rate of notario y otros Possible collaborators of externos that intervengan to facilitate proceso, as a gestoría.
  4. CONTINUED, also in a maximum time limit of 15 days, it owes inscribir la nueva sociedad in the Register of Foreign Investment.
  5. The next step consiste in the pedir permiso de apertura del comercio ante the competent organism, in this case, which is the whole Common (territorial administrative subdivision of the Principality of Andorra) amount of the parish . On the one hand, it owes perform commercial reservation number -tiene a Cost € 5.36 - y, por otro lado, request the opening of trade(Pay so much is because of the opening of trade Tasa € -201.53 - as the Tasa de-registration in the Registro de Comercio € -201.80 -). The durations vary trámite this works if procedurename This is a simplified Rid resuelve a maximum of five días- one ordinario Rid Requires a minimum of 30 days to perform the required inspections ocular por parte de los técnicos-.

If you are at guests' Open society in Andorra with a 100% capital foreigner, in IS21 has asesoraremos sin ningún compromiso.